Moment of silence.

I feel like, as such a broken nation, that tonight we need to take a moment of silence. We need to grieve the loss of a young man. Of a life that was taken. We need to just allow ourselves to feel it. Regardless of what the verdict was, some one’s son, friend, classmate will never tell them “happy birthday” or even a simple “hey” again. And that’s enough reason to grieve.

So this is long.

I started this post a while ago. Things were going on and I was going to rant about things like integrity and responsibility. Mostly because I was angry at some circumstances and wanted to have everyone agree with me. Instead I decided to wait, let it stew around in my head for a while until I could get to the heart of what I wanted to say.

And its simple.

Seek out wisdom.

Seek it like your life depended on it. (because someday it might)

And once you gain it, use it.

I have friends who are wonderful people. Beautiful souls whose hearts are in the right places, but whose values I disagree with. Ok so maybe values isn’t the right word to use. I disagree with the execution of intent.

Recently some one came to me and told me she wanted to organize a “slut walk” in our city. She had heard about it because some university had called a police officer in to speak to the students about the recent increase in sexual assaults on campus. The officer misspoke and said something to the effect of “it would help if young ladies wouldn’t dress like sluts”. While I agree that “slut” wasn’t the best word choice, the wisdom was still there.

I would never shame a woman for how she was dressed, just as I would expect the same in return. That being said….. Pay attention. Be wise. Think ahead.

We allow ourselves to remain ignorant if we think we can walk out of our homes in this day and age in skimpy clothing, and not receive unwanted attention.

Modesty has so many benefits. If you can look at a woman in jeans and a nice fitting t-shirt and see that she feels confident and pretty and sure of herself, you can tell she isn’t an ideal “victim” (now mind you, it does happen. It happened to me. Stabbed straight through the Abbey Road tee I was rocking too… shame. I loved that shirt)

Smart girl 101: know where you are and how you can get out at all times.

Use your voice and your head

Make smart choices.

Know your value. You are priceless.

Let the contradictions begin

Recently I have realized that I am sick of opinions. I am sick of talking and listening to people talk. I am almost to the point that I don’t even want to say another word to anyone. What does it matter any more?
It’s all just noise.
Me expressing my opinion doesn’t change things. I can blather on about whatever issue I want, but what does it help? Raise your voice, raise awareness! More like raise my self up. It doesn’t matter.
But…. Do you know what does? People.
You know what can change things? People. People who are willing to shut up and reach out. To teach some one else what their value is, to tell some one that the only thing that is true is this “YOU ARE IMPORTANT. YOU ARE SO VALUABLE. YOU ARE WORTH SO MUCH”, and then act in a way that will make them believe it.